Use the power of this coaching model to turn your life around in an instant...
Yes it really is that powerful.
How is this possible?
It's possible because it only takes one new thought to change the whole trajectory of our life.
One new insight - applied - to end up exactly where you want to be.
A new way of seeing it all to free us from the place in our mind that keeps us stuck, so we can shed the weight - physically, mentally and emotionally - in our relationships, the workplace and in health.
Coaching uncovers the thoughts going through our mind that are creating the way we feel which is determining how we navigate and show up for life. Learn the model in this workshop for how to master your mind, then book your FREE 30 minute 1:1 coaching session so you can see how to break it all down and apply it to your real life situation.
Learn the model for How to Master your Mind and then join me to get coached on how to apply it to your situation or circumstance to create a whole new way of experiencing it .....going forward.
Future Focused
If we want to be happier, get more done, have more success, improve your health, relationships, performance, happiness whatever it is... you can start using this mind tool now and get coached on how to apply it in any situation or circumstance.
It really is a life changing tool we should all be equipped with.
How to Manage your Mind
Everyone should be coached on how to manage their mind.....
It's not a skill we've ever been taught. Most of us will go through life without a single lesson on the subject and yet it's the most powerful tool we have to produce the results we want in our life.
Sign up for your first lesson to find out what we've all been missing out up until now.
Any Situation or Circumstance
Whatever your pain….bring it to this workshop and experience the power of this model in a coaching session to learn how to deconstruct the unintentional model you're currently living in and then workshopping that to reconstruct a new intentional model to create a whole new way of experiencing it, in a way that serves you and expands you.
“I’ve been coached by Melinda & let me tell you, I wish I had done it years ago. After the first session, I can’t explain the relief I had - like a weight that had been holding me down for years had completely lifted, it was truly liberating."
Lee. C
“I was feeling lost. Having spent 20 years of my life raising a family and caring for others, I lost myself along the way. I forgot to take time to care for me.
After being coached on the model, I realised I wasn't lost at all and the person I had been looking for had just been hiding behind the negative chorus of baggage that I had allowed to build up over the years. Reconnecting with her and finding my sense of purpose has brought peace to a huge internal struggle".
Sophie. B
I'm Melinda: I'd love you to join me in learning how this simple yet stunningly effective framework can be used to help navigate life with a little more grace.
Use it to switch from 'being at the effect' of a situation, unable to control the way we feel and powerless to change the outcome....into 'directing your life' by using a conscious process of aligning with the results you want to create.
It's something you need to experience for yourself to appreciate how powerful it really is, which is why I want to give it to you for free. Don't take my word for it. Seeing is believing.
The saying 'You don't know, what you don't know' is so true. So if you were ever wondering how to change whatever it is that's currently not working out for you... here's your learn and apply a technique that works every time.
Discover where your true power lies...
Melinda King
Register here to learn the model and then get coached on how to apply your situation or circumstance.
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