In this session I want to explore the relationship with desire and fear and why fear keeps coming up trumps…. to extinguish the fire of our desire.
Desire alone will also not get you there. Desire is a feeling that stays passive until you use it as fuel in performing the action.. which is what actually get’s you there. Commitment to arriving at the destination, despite not knowing the way…is the other feeling you will need to fuel your actions.
So we have desire, belief and commitment as the ingredients so far, but the thing that will see us braving our way through this adventure with all the bumps and blocks and twists and turn’s we will encounter… is our ability to feel the discomfort of our feelings along the way.
Being able to ride through all the feelings we would otherwise avoid…. is the biggest thing we overlook and don’t take into consideration.
The skill of being able to process any emotion in a clean and present way that doesn’t leave you with the hangover of all the drama… is what will take you through it all… from desire and commitment into massive action… until you deliver the result or arrive at your destination.
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