"Yoga is a practice for your soul, working through the medium of your body"


Hi I’m Taylor. I’m a Qualified Hatha and Restorative Yoga Instructor (RYT 240 hrs) and have been teaching for over one and a half years. I have also completed training in Pranayama & Philosophy, Ayurveda and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. 


I have developed a series of 12 different yoga classes for you to explore and have fun with over the coming weeks. These classes can be taken weekly over the course of 12 weeks, or whenever you’re needing to take some time out for yourself to decompress, release tensions in the body and switch off from the external world and distractions. Each class is unique with its own theme exploring either a different area of the body, breath work, different styles of yoga (e.g chair yoga and evening restorative yoga), or to help ease particular emotions (i.e our “lovely” anxiety). 


My ultimate goal as a yoga teacher, is to offer accessible classes that work for all bodies shapes and levels, that honour the origins of yoga by incorporating some philosophy (aka “nuggets of Ancient yogic wisdom”), and that allow students to tune into their bodies to release any built up physical and mental tensions, and ultimately, find a sense of joy, peace and calm.


I look forward to meeting you on the journey :)


Taylor xx

Meet Taylor

Registration & Waiver

Yoga Sessions

Please click the images to get started.

1. Introduction to yoga

2. Neck and Shoulders & Ahimsa (Non-violence)

3. Joint Care & Ahimsa (Non-violence)

4. Hips & Lower Back | Ishvara Pranidhana - (Surrender)

5. Anxiety & Saucha (Cleanliness)

6. Chair Yoga & Mindfulness

7. Chest, Shoulders & Neck | Anahata (Heart Chakra)

8. Restorative & Brahmacharya (Mindful Use of Energy)

9. Standing Morning Flow & Tapas (Self-discipline)

10. Prana Theory & Pranayama (Breathwork)

11. Svadhyaya (Self-enquiry) & Fluidity

12. Yin & Yang

13. Neck, Shoulders, Throat & Satya (Truthfulness)