Understanding Willpower, Deprivation & Emotional Eating


When we understand that willpower and deprivation are feelings that are induced by our thoughts, then we can identify the thoughts and beliefs that are creating the feelings of over desire, entitlement and sense of reward.

It's these thought errors that has us feeling deprived and needing to exercise willpower in order to restrain our actions.

We take a look at how we to rework these thought-feeling and belief-identity loops by;

- living into our compelling reason of why we want to lose weight

- shifting into the identity of our future slimmer self and

- consciously choosing the feelings and therefore the thoughts that we want to have to reduce our over desire and fuel the actions we need to take in order to produce the results we want in our lives.

'Exercising the willpower muscle is all conscious resistance. Identity is the subconcious program that will inevitably over power the situation in the end'.


There are some sections on Understanding Willpower, Now Appeal & Delay as well as Diet Mentality & Deprivation and Embracing Discomfort. You can access these in the Weight Loss & Health workbook. Please click below to access it.


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