Developing your Protocol


We’re going to cover all the components you need to consider when planning out your protocol.  A protocol is a tool that will ensure you give your body all that it needs for optimum health and a plan ahead of time so that you can drop all the drama around what to eat, whether you should have this or that, and all the negotiation and impulses we get caught up with in the moment. 

We look at food as a source of fuel instead of using it as a way to seek refuge and comfort. When you know how to process any emotion, it will have you freeing up your time in not thinking and obsessing about food so you can start to pursue what it is you truly desire.

'The past no longer exists today. The more you can break free from the filters of the past and develop a new and empowering relationship with it, the more you become liberated and open yourself up to possibility.'


This week would be good to focus on developing a protocol that you want to live with as a general rule. Don't forget to plan in your exceptions for the foods you never want to live without and how you want to approach special events and occasions.

Go through the protocol exercise and food lists you might want to incorporate into your plan each day and then have a look through the Hunger as a Tool exercise. Click below to access it.


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