The Process of Change & Rehearsing The New You


In this session I want to take you through the process of the change that is required in becoming the new version of you. 

Change is very uncomfortable to us because it’s unfamiliar.  The primal or primitive part of our brain prefers to live in what is familiar.  This is because it has already established that these familiar ways and conditions of your life have already proven to keep you safe and out of immediate harms way. 

Even thought it’s not producing the results you want, it’s primal function is to keep you alive…which you are…so your current eating patterns are a proven formula that your mind doesn’t need to waste any more energy on, in predicting the future, based on past experience. 

We teach you how to live into your future self now so that you don’t need to rely on the results of the past to determine what is possible for you now.


There's the Future Focus worksheet & Visualize yourself at your Ideal Weight exercises to go through this week.



Please click to access podcast on how to overcome the tendency of seeking approval

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