How to Master your Emotions


Learn this simple 3 step practical plan in how to process, experience and manage your emotions.

This single practice of learning to separate feelings of the mind from emotions in the body is both transformative and liberating.  It will allow you to quickly and easily return back to your factory default of love, joy and peace… without the hangover of the stories, names and perceptions we make up and store away.

Being able to do this, will is the difference between responding or reacting, which can make the difference between a calm or chaotic life. Cease being at the mercy of your emotions, by becoming master of them.

In any problem or challenge, notice what your state of consciousness is.

If you are in your ego, you will be reactive and inflame the difficulty and negativity.

If you are being the observer from a higher state, you will become more present and have access to wisdom, compassion, empathy and creativity.


Please click below to access the worksheet on the practical step by step model for how to master your emotions.


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