Who am I? - Permission to Thrive


In Module 17 we work through the three human thrivers that will create an unshakeable self esteem and release you into becoming unapologetically you.

We also move towards a greater self realisation in…. Who we really are – which in turn makes it a whole lot easier in granting ourselves permission to thrive.

We have been brought up in a permission based society where we have been trained as a student. We teach you how to step into the master role of your own life and step out of being the passive conditioned recipient of life’s circumstances.

This journey ends in returning you home as the hero of your life, with an appreciation and awareness of your own inherent divine nature. You have the power to transform, to create, to attract, to heal and manifest that, which you are in alignment with and in resonance with – for everything is energy.

So lets dive in to prepare you for this conscious living creative process …. that is unfolding from moment to moment.

" You have nothing to prove to anyone. Rest in the power and perfection of the divine source of energy that you are. Feel the connection of the interplay of this energy with others. Change your story to match the way you want to feel. Choose your perspective wisely and with compassion for where everyone is at - including yourself. "

Coach Post

After you’ve finished Module 17 try connecting to your new found truth of 'Who you really are' each and every day, until it becomes habit and self evident.

You have the power to transform, to create, to attract, to heal and manifest that, which you are in alignment with and will resonate with. This capacity is all part of your own inherent divine nature. This energy is you.

In any moment, practice the awareness of becoming present to the connection and interaction of the energy you share with everyone and everything.

Don’t forget to keep your big life questions and answers close by to remind yourself during the times you will forget when you begin to feel anxious, unsafe, unworthy or alone.

Some further questions to ask in any situation;
What is going on here?. Where did this come from? What is my story that is supporting this position? What are my beliefs about it and Who am I being?

Become the observer, who watches the movie, and work out what you are in alignment with…at any point in time.

Just remember, you can always respond with;
Which story would better serve and take me in the direction towards the alignment I need to have, in order to be where I want to be? Who do I need to be now, to manifest the results I want, that are still over there?

It's a living creative process... moment to moment. Or it can be a life learned sentence, based on your conditioning and the long established beliefs you hold.
It’s the difference between living in creation and living in survival.

And did you grant yourself permission to thrive?  

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