Our brain, heart and body are all acting in concert whenever we experience emotions. The changes in the frequency and form of the electromagnetic waves being emitted by our heart & mind will in turn change the chemistry of the body and the electrical frequency of every single cell.
In Module 15 we learn how to interrupt the feedback loop between the mind-heart connection in order to cancel the return signal back to the heart, so you no longer need to re-experience and re-enforce this negative energy, which will ultimately end the emotional pattern and release the trapped emotion.
We study what coherence and harmony looks like and feels like which ultimately translates into health as well as it’s antithesis being antagonism & discord, to result in disharmony and disease.
In studying the dynamics found in the law of attraction and the law of repulsion, we can see that in both instances the energy is returned back to the source, as it is with karma. Either way, what goes around, comes around. It’s easy to see how these laws follow the same physical process and manifestation of the expression, ‘What you put out is what you get back’.
We look at how we can apply these same principles of energy to avoid the karmic trap of getting stuck. We can either transform this energy or transcend it.
So let's take a look at how you can take it in at one rate and transform it out at another. In this way, you become the creative medium by changing its form.
" Enlightenment - Consciously choosing freedom from the conditioned mind"
After you’ve finished Module 15, it’s a good idea to engage in an energy stocktake to become aware of the imprinted patterns that represent your default state of being.
Observe yourself for a week, and record 3 times a day - at lunch, dinner and before you go to bed;
1. Where your attention has been.
2. How often you experienced a state of dis - ease ie. whenever you felt a sense of underlying fear, anxiety, tension or anger - even low level.... about anything.
3. How many negative or judgemental thoughts you had towards anything, including yourself.
4. How many instances you felt a deep sense of gratitude, happiness, love or joy.
This will help you to see whether you're in a predominant state of harmony or disharmony as an everyday default. It will also help you to become aware of which chemical reactions will be taking place inside your body as a result of the emotions that will be triggering them.
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