In Module 6 we look at the physical interactions that occur throughout the body from our thoughts and emotions. If you don’t want to be at the mercy of your emotions and you want to enjoy and dominate them, we need to understand the biochemical and electrochemical output of the whole thought - emotion interaction throughout the body from a physiological perspective, and then how we can navigate it from a psychological perspective, so that you can choose happiness and emotional freedom in all situations.
Click the button for you to continue on in learning how your thoughts and emotions are affecting every part of your body right down to the cellular level.
" As our feelings change, this mixture of peptides travels throughout your body and brain ... and they're literally changing the chemistry of every cell in your body. "
After you’ve finished Module 6, as you go about your day, become aware of the programming that people are living their lives from, the stories they tell themselves and others, the limitations they argue for and the drama’s they create and talk about that fuels the emotion and consolidation process so that it remains stored… for easy recall.
Also notice whenever you become triggered…catch the stories you dive into, and the thoughts and labels you attach to the emotion you’re experiencing. Write down how long it took, before you noticed yourself engaging in this mental habit….and then…. take a seat and just experience the physical sensation of the emotion itself, in the quiet stillness of your mind. No judgement, no stories, no incessant self talk.
Where do you feel this energy in your body, and how would you describe the sensation of it?. Get into the physical presence of you experiencing that emotion in it’s raw form.
Keep writing down how long it took you to notice yourself, whenever you revert back to playing out the emotion in the theatre of your mind. This will develop into a new habit so that you become proficient in catching yourself out….and eventually bypass the mind all together.
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