Reprogramming our Subconscious Mind


In module 5, we smash right through the disruption stage of your journey as we take steps to deconstruct your old hierarchy, and build a profile for introducing new stories and ways of being that affects every judgement, thought and decision you make.

We reveal the benefits of letting that old program go, and the price of inaction. When we understand how and why our learned patterns and experiences are stored deep in the brain where they are continuously being recalled to interpret how we think and make decisions, we can then tap into this natural system and use the same process to support us in the habits we need to create, to align with an identity that lives in possibility and prosperity.

Click the button for you to continue on with learning how to reconstruct an identity that is in alignment with the outcomes you are wanting.

" If my subconscious doesn't have the empowering beliefs in the space I live my subconscious life in, then I don't have the capacity to bring those possibilities into my conscious life because they are not available in my deep subconscious and I will continue to project the content from this deep internal space. "

Coach Post

After you’ve finished Module 5, become intensely aware of how you’re spending your time and observe your productivity habits.

If you had a blank sheet and became accountable for your time each day, all of it, what would your time sheet look like. How could it be done differently to allocate more time doing the things that would help you to achieve and realise the life you do want.

How are you prioritizing the activities of each day? Are there any opportunities to outsource and delegate some of the more mundane tasks? Is there a way you could chunk your time into more productive blocks?

Where is your focus and attention? Your life is where your attention is!. At the end of each day, write down in your diary the areas you’ve spent your time and attention on throughout the day so you can identify what your productivity and mental habits have been and how you could design them differently to ensure you consistently allocate the time to BE – FEEL – DO the things needed to achieve your dreams.

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