In module 2, we dive into understanding more about the hidden drivers behind the scene – our thoughts, feelings & beliefs which culminate as our identity to form the basis of our personality.
We help you to analyse what your default patterns have been across 3 areas that greatly impact our lives – relationships, work & money and our health. We then build out a list of your self limiting subconscious drivers and a list of the conscious behaviours that invariably flow from them. This is so that you can start to become aware of what is keeping you stuck.
We go through a process of separating ourselves from these constructs you created through a learned perspective of the world - so that you can begin to detach from them. The challenge for us now is to disprove and debunk them, myth buster style.
" It is our personality that creates our personal reality. To create a new personal reality we must create a new personality "
After you've completed Module 2, become aware of what is going on in your mind by journalling your thoughts for the day.
Keep a track of how many counteractive, judgemental, limiting, self sabotaging thoughts you have in a day.
Does this make for good company?
Would you tolerate this from a friend?
What is the upside of telling yourself these thoughts?
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